Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back from the framer

I got the Red Thread piece back from the framer yesterday. I love it; they did such a good job. It is now proudly hanging on my living room wall.

I guess getting that piece back gave me a bit of motivation to sit down and work on some of my other pieces. Last night I sat down and finished off Lizzie Kate's Hugs & Kisses piece. The kit was missing two tiny yellow buttons that go in the middle of the flowers so I just put a cross stitch there. I'm not sure that I like it so I guess I'll be on a quest for some tiny buttons next time I'm prowling around a craft type shop. That was quite annoying. The boxer kit was sealed with a round sticker type thing yet the kit was missing a needle and those two buttons. If the shop where I got it was closer, I'd have taken it back. Of course, I did start on the piece before I noticed that the buttons were missing. Ugh! Now I just need to finish off the winter 9 patch before it really becomes winter. I take this piece to soccer practices and places where I'm going to be sitting and waiting so it doesn't get concentrated attention.

When we got a cold snap a few weeks back, I had started in on the Fall cleaning. I haven't gotten very far and we are now having an Indian summer. Oh well, cleaning really isn't my cup of tea any way. I sure hope all those green tomatoes I have my vines ripen up before a frost hits. I'm enjoying the warmth as I'm not ready for the colder weather yet. I'm also out a lot watching my boys play soccer. It sure is nice not to be doing this in the cold and rain! I stumbled upon Vonna's recipe blog the other day and found a recipe up for Chicken Gnocchi soup that sounds great. I guess I know one of the first things I'll be making when the cooler weather hits!



stitcherw said...

It looks wonderful, congrats on the finish and getting the framing done. It is so much fun being able to put them up to see and enjoy. The LK looks so cute too.

Pumpkin said...

Gorgeous Kim! Just gorgeous!

Love your new finish :o) I think you should just contact LK herself and tell her what happened. I bet she would send them to you.

Sharon said...

Red Thread looks wonderful. Your LK finish is very pretty!